What to Expect

Preparing for Your Session

Don't be nervous or anxious. You've got this! Dress comfortably. You will be on a massage table for almost an hour. Constricting clothing can keep your mind wandering about comfort versus being able to have peace within. Plan on drinking lots of water after your session, and if you can, plan on taking it  easy afterwards instead of rushing into your day, that would be best. 

During the Session

Sessions are not only different for each individual, but from your own session to session. 

You might feel warmth, tingling, heat. You might feel like you are floating, and you might just fall asleep. You may cry or you may laugh. My advice? Have no expectations. Know that you will feel peace, calmness and lighter when you leave. 

After the Session

Many of the benefits or Reiki occur after the session, while you have time to process any feelings, sensations or insights that may have arisen during treatment. I recommend taking some quiet time to process - a walk in nature, a meditation or gratitude journaling. As with any energy work, hydrate and enjoy a mindful, nourishing meal for best results.