Workshops & Events


Reiki Review

A Reiki Circle and Share
with mentor + Master Teacher Jenna DiGiuseppi

Why Mentorship?

In the original tradition of working with Dr. Usui or Mrs. Takata, a student was not advised to move to the Master level until they had interned for 1 year with a Master Teacher. 

Led by Reiki Master Teacher Jenna, these mentorship classes are for graduates certified in Reiki levels 1, 2 or 3.

All Levels are Welcome!

It is a time to learn from each other, ask questions, practice and form community with fellow Reiki practitioners

Upcoming Classes:

  • Coming Back Soon

    Classes held from 10:30am-12:30pm

PRICE: $33

Price for Venmo or Zelle $30

Venmo @Jenna-DiGiuseppi

Zelle@ 602-690-3819

Spiritual Awakening:Past Life Regression

With Dr. Carolyn J Brown+Jenna DiGiuseppi

The Experience:

A group experience for your Past Life Regression. We will explore your past life, life between life and the option of experiencing the death of that life all led by Dr. Carolyn Brown of Brown Life Light Psychology, while adding an elevated experience with the integration of crystal sound bowls led by Jenna.

Space is limited for this small group workshop.

Venmo or Zelle will hold your spot.

Cost $175

Online Booking $180 (see Link below)

Upcoming Workshop:


    Classes held from 2-4:30pm

Venmo or Zelle

Venmo @Jenna-DiGiuseppi

Zelle@ 602-690-3819